Around 80% of people living in Western countries experience back pain at some time in their lives.
Common back problems and their symptoms include:
Muscle tension: Pain and stiffness
Poor Posture: Aches and pains of the back and other body parts, muscle fatigue, rounded shoulders, knees that are bent when standing or walking, protrusion of the abdomen (pot belly), head tilted forwards or backwards, headaches.
Sprains and strains: Pain, stiffness, and reduced movement.
Osteoarthritis: Pain, stiffness.
Osteoporosis: Usually asymptomatic, but predisposes the vertebrae (and other bones) to fractures, which may cause back pain, a gradual loss of height often with a stooped back (Dowager’s hump), and muscle weakness.
You are more likely to experience back problems if you are overweight, or if your back
is lacking in strength, flexibility and tone. In general, living a sedentary or unhealthy
lifestyle may be a key contributor to back issues. Additional causes may include:
Muscle tension: Often caused by physical or mental stress.
Posture-related problems: Poor posture forces muscles to be used incorrectly, which makes them tire quickly, causing muscle fatigue. Over time, the muscles that should be supporting posture become weaker and weaker.
Sprains and strains: Sprains and strains occur if the fibres of a muscle, ligament or tendon are stretched beyond their capacity, and tear. This is often due to a sudden twisting or stretching movement, a forceful impact, or overuse of a particular joint or muscle group.
Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis can cause back pain. General risk factors for osteoarthritis include getting older, being overweight or obese, a history of injury or trauma to the affected joint, and participation in sports or occupations that involve repetitive stress to the affected joint.
Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis occurs when the bones lose calcium more quickly than it can be replaced, eventually leading to a decline in the density and mass of the bones, which makes them more susceptible to fracture. Women become particularly susceptible after menopause due to declining estrogen levels.
Natural therapies
IMAGNESIUM L-THREONATE ADVANCED COMPLEX supports more than 300 biochemical reactions in your body including:
Energy creation that converts food into energy, creates new protein from amino acids and aids repair DNA and RNA in muscle contraction and relaxation.
Enhances neurotransmitters to your brain and nervous system.
Aids depression, muscle fatige, exercise performance, migraines, PMS symptoms, insuline resistance and many more.
Supports blood pressure, chronic inflamation wich is one of the drivers of aging and obesity disease.
Glucosamine is the major building block of aggrecan, a compound that’s responsible for the resilience and shock-absorbing properties of cartilage. Glucosamine helps reduce cartilage wear and shows the progressive deterioration of the joints. It may be beneficial for back problems associated with osteoarthritis, as it has been shown to slow the progression of joint damage, decrease joint stiffness, and improve joint mobility and function. In osteoarthritis, it reduces symptoms of pain, swelling and joint inflammation, and has been shown to be as effective as some pain-relieving medications for the long-term relief of symptoms.
Taking calcium supplements may be of assistance in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Look for a product containing a combination of calcium compounds - calcium phosphate, calcium citrate and calcium amino acid chelate for improved absorption. Vitamins D3 and K1, as well as magnesium, phosphate and other minerals should also be present to aid the absorption and function of calcium.
Vitamin D3 promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphate and makes them available for use by the skeleton. Having low levels of vitamin D is an established risk factor for falls, and increased falls may increase the risk of fractures. In older people, taking vitamin D3 leads to improved muscle strength, and this helps reduce the incidence of falls.
Diet and lifestyle
Many back problems resolve themselves fairly quickly. However, severe, persistent or recurrent back problems should be investigated and diagnosed by your healthcare professional. Follow any treatment recommendations closely, and be diligent about performing any corrective exercises that are prescribed.
Often, the most important step you can take is to return to your normal work, exercise and recreational activities.
Physiotherapy or other manipulative therapies (such as massage, chiropractic and osteopathy) may aid flexibility, strength and healing. Your practitioner can also advise you about postural issues and whether the use of hot and/or cold packs is appropriate in your individual circumstances.
Adopting good posture can help to relieve and prevent back problems. Take care not to slouch in your car or at your desk, and avoid sitting or standing for long periods without a break. Using a lumbar support cushion or a footstool may be beneficial.
Take care to perform any strenuous activity safely, especially if your work involves repetitive movements or lifting heavy weights. Follow appropriate health and safety guidelines at all times, and make sure you always lift loads safely. Use a trolley where you can, or ask another person to help you.
Losing weight may help to take the pressure off your back and other joints.
Low impact aerobic exercise (e.g. walking and swimming) and strength-building exercise (e.g. weight training) may help to reduce pain and prevent it recurring. Exercise regimes that build your core strength (such as Pilates and yoga) may also be beneficial. However, don’t start a new exercise regime or recommence your previous one without the approval of your healthcare professional.
Stop any exercise session that causes excessive or unusual pain.
Include plenty of omega-3 oils in your diet in order to take advantage of their anti-inflammatory properties. Good sources include fish (and fish oil capsules), flaxseed oil, canola oil, and walnuts.
Dairy foods are the most important source of calcium in most people’s diets. Unless you’re allergic to milk or lactose, try to include several serves of low fat dairy foods in your diet every day in order to reduce your risk of osteoporosis. Other important sources of calcium include tinned salmon and sardines (eat the soft bones, which are rich in calcium), soy milk fortified with extra calcium, broccoli, beans and almonds.
Make sure you expose around 15% of your body to the sun (for example your hands, face and arms) 4-6 times per week for 6-8 minutes in order to obtain vitamin D. Older people should expose themselves to sunlight more frequently (5-6 times a week), and people with dark skin should expose themselves for a longer period of around 15 minutes. Early morning or late afternoon sunlight is best; avoid sun exposure during the heat of the day, when sun-related skin damage is most likely to occur.
Stop smoking
Learning to manage your stress levels may help you cope and can also aid muscle relaxation. Try relaxation classes or meditation.
Sleep on a mattress that is firm, but not too soft or too hard. Don’t sleep on your stomach.